Sunday, November 20, 2016


Tea became an integral part of our life. It not only satisfies thirst, but also perfectly strengthens health. People, constantly and with skill driving teas, usually to extreme old age perfectly feel and seldom are ill. In what a secret of this miracle drink?

Ancient China called tea "life fire". He received such name not for nothing, leaves of this plant contain more than 300 various useful elements, the most important of which — caffeine, tannin, essential oils and vitamins. Therefore the daily use of this curative drink will be able not only to encourage, but also well to influence all organism.
To all head
Tea — the only drink which possesses so surprising and, apparently, inconsistent properties: tones up and reduces fatigue, excites and calms, warms and refreshes. It is possible to speak with confidence about tea as about the best all illnesses medicine. Thanks to big concentration of vitamin of group B in it activity of nervous system is normalized. Tea favorably acts on patients with diabetes, improves a condition of skin. It stimulates a metabolism, reduces the speed of formation of fatty cages and fatty stratifications on vascular walls, normalizes weight. Hardly it is necessary to mention effect of vitamin C. It should be noted that in a fresh tea leaf of this vitamin it is more, than in fresh juice of a lemon.
Tannins (impact tart relish) in combination with caffeine and tannin has hypotensive (the lowering pressure) effect and stabilize at the same time collagen of vascular cages. And caffeine, influencing the central nervous system, stimulates cerebration, aggravates process of thinking, improves memory and eliminates feeling of fatigue. Tea in comparison with other drinks stimulators, for example coffee, has an important advantage: it encourages an organism, without allowing to be overstrained by nervous system (tea caffeine does not collect in an organism). Tea invigorates more slowly, but is surer: six hours against two coffee.
Asian drink speeds up work of a liver, spleen, raises hemoglobin, enriching blood with vitamin C. Not incidentally in ancient Chinese manuscripts claimed that "tea deletes all illnesses". And thanks to availability of vitamins C, E and D, nicotinic acid and iodine it deserved reputation of drink of longevity long ago.
Black or green?
Green tea in our country appeared relatively recently, however already now can compete in popularity with black tea. Especially as researchers still continue to open infinite curative properties of this drink.
Green tea belongs to not fermented teas, keeping vitamins (more than 10 types) and useful substances. It is applied to treatment of a headache, healing of wounds, by stops of bleeding, the help to digestion and control of body temperature. Consumption of green tea reduces cholesterol level in blood, increases metabolic properties. Green tea contains powerful antioxidant which reduces risk of a disease of certain types of cancer. Besides, it relieves pain at articulate rheumatism and stimulates immune system. Green tea in comparison with black and red contains the greatest number of vitamin C.
Tea is not only tasty and useful drink, but also means which perfectly helps at various diseases. Practically all know that tea (especially green) helps to cope with cold. Owing to plentiful sweating it promotes decrease in temperature and brings toxins out of an organism. To them wash out eyes and at conjunctivitis. The continuous use of tea without sugar well influences tooth enamel, and also is good prevention of caries. Strong tea thanks to the knitting action — the excellent help at poisonings. Antiseptic effect of this drink is used at diarrhea. Compresses from strong tea kill pain and heat at solar burns. Green tea possesses antimicrobic properties therefore it is widely applied in cosmetology.
Warm tea with a lemon, black pepper and honey — good diuretic and a sudorific at colds. The strong cooled infusion of mix of green and black tea with addition of grape dry wine (1 teaspoon on a glass of tea) — excellent means for washing of eyes. At a motion sickness it is possible to chew several leaves of dry green tea — it well helps at nausea. At cold try the exclusive recipe: three teaspoons of tea, one — honey, one — vodka, a glass of water. Mix everything and bring to boiling, sip. For increase of a tone and stimulation of cells of skin it is possible to take "tea baths". Make six tablespoons of dry green tea on 0,5 l of water, let's be drawn and pour out in a heat bath.

But at all respect for this drink you should not forget that tea, as well as any other plant, can be not only useful, but also dangerous. At excessive hobby for strong tea there can be poisoning. Therefore it is very important not to be overzealous, "driving teas".

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